A Bankruptcy Check with ProbityPeople will uncover publicly available bankruptcy history and personal insolvency information. It is a recommended check if you are applying for roles in the financial services or insurance industries, or you will have access to company financial controls or be employed in a position of trust.

Taking the initiative and conducting a Bankruptcy Check will demonstrate to a potential employer that you are transparent about addressing any issues in your financial history.

How long does a Bankruptcy Check take?​​

Results are returned instantly.

What data is shown on a Bankruptcy Check?

A Bankruptcy Check may reveal the following information:

  • Disclose whether an individual has personally filed for bankruptcy or been declared bankrupt
  • Grounds of bankruptcy and date of discharge
  • Petition type and objections
  • Type of administration or proceeding under the Bankruptcy Act
  • Start dates refer to the beginning of an administration or proceeding
  • Date an administration or proceeding has been discharged, terminated or ended
  • The reason an administration or proceeding has been discharged, terminated or ended
  • Summary of findings

Ready to complete a Bankruptcy Check?

Other Financial Checks

Credit Default Check
Directorship Check

Learn more about ProbityPeople's
employment screening checks for individuals

Bankruptcy Check

Right to Work Checks

Check your work rights, restrictions and visa entitlements with a ProbityPeople Work Rights Check. We are legally qualified to complete right to work checks on your behalf to confirm work or study restrictions and potential visa limitations.​
Find out more

Bankruptcy Check


A Police Check is a critical first step for companies when deciding on an offer of employment. Also, many companies expect that you will provide them with a verifiable Police Check as part of their onboarding process. We care about your privacy so the results of your Police Check will be delivered directly to your secure ProbityPeople account​​
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